This section is dedicated to the hardworking photographers, models, texture and stock providers whose invaluable resources I use to make my artwork. Without them, nothing here would exist. 
                                                                                                                                                            Thank you.
 *edit note* - (Right now this ongoing list is incomplete and individual credits are always being added. If I've used your photo, stock image or texture and you don't see your credit, it'll be there soon).
"Hail Mary"
model: Mahafsoun as photographed by Lloyd K. Barnes
textures: skeelar-stockDivsm-stock, DarkZero, and dadiLights
stigmatic blood hand painted in Photoshop using a Wacom Intuos Pro
"The Hostless Parasite"
[Discovered] - [Isolated] - [Extracted]
Now starve.

model: Natalie Paquette
textures: resurgere, darkZero, szorny, darkRose42, and close friend Tara Adams
background: imageAfter

"As She Chokes On Her Lies"
 - [Loosely thrown together, much like your sense of decency.] - 

model: Hecate-Stock
body parts: photographed by Marcus Ranum
nails: TooMuchFilth
textures: darkZero

"The Saint Becoming The Sinner"
model: TwiggX
textures: darkZero
sclera eye: created by following Dean Samed's technique here
veins: created by Abby Esparza's technique here
brushes: piximperfect
effects: psdBox and Pexels
"The Broken Ballet IV: Intrinsic Dysphoria"
model: BrittaniLuv
photographer: Marcus Ranum
textures: phoenixrisingstockcastock and cwaddell
brushes: prettybrush
model: Veraphoto 
texture: ArrsistableStock
lighting: darkZero
anti-lighting: duzulek
"Victimizing the Tormentor"
model: the nightmare in the backroom
female body parts: battle-stock
female facial parts: jaded-ink and Suzi 9mm
hair: MiraNox
"Lost Into Forever"
model: as photographed by Gabriel Silvério
textures: darkZero
teardrop effect created by following Nemanja Sekulic's tutorial
veins created by following a great tutorial by the infamous Abbey Esparza

"The Whispers Between the Screams"

model: Aelathen
grunge textures: Mirvil
ambient textures: Sirius-sdz
spider legs: Erik Karits
skull: Jon Jons 
"Torn From the Pillar of Agony"

model: MissSouls-stock (as photographed by Andreas Wiese)
horns: Frans van Heerden
skulls: personal supply and Pronus
gothic window: frozenStocks
ambient textures: privately and kindly provided by AshSivils
scratches: duzulek
background textures: Sirius-sdz
"Seducing the Darkest Hour"
Model: Miss Mosh as photographed by: Marcus Ranum  (image used here)
horns: Use-Me
rain: crystallanxi
textures: Sirius-sdz 
"Black Nervosa"
model: Margarita Mysteria
photographer: Alice IvyAsh
skull bits: mediaMilitia
textures: Sirius-sdz
distressed effects: Lebstock
"Veil of the Unsainted"
model: Jessica Truscott
eyes: AlysAlone
spider legs: Erik Karits

textures: DarkRose42-stock
"Atonement of the Degrader"
model: Shelly (as photographed by Andromidus-stock
ambient textures: Letzte-Regen and Sirius-sdz
textures: DarkRose42-stock and mediaMilitia
horns: Lemondjinn
skull pieces: Pronus and Jon Jons 
"The Wait"
model: Anastasia
leaves and foliage: Igor Son and Scott Webb 
skull: guruKitty
jaw: cyborgSuzyStock
background: Francesco Ungaro
ambient texture: AshSivils 
effects: Azim
"The Liar and the Parasite"
model: Nicole Alexander as photographed by Anooba Images
parasite constructed from: patience, disdain, resurgerechop-stock and stock7000
background: PixaBay
border: DarkRose42-stock
"The Caustic Failure"
stock image: postcardStock
textures: twiggxStock
"The Anatomy of Suffering"
model: Jessica Truscott
ambient grunge: SolEquus-Stock and Sirius-sdz
blood wings constructed from KasStock using textures from
(check out a time-lapse video of this image being made here)
"Stricken Catharsis"
model: ArtemisAesthetic
wing/feathers: dark dragon stock and Anthony
textures: Sirius-sdz
"Patient Xero"
model: photographed by Alex Iby 
scales texture: SalsolaStock
ambient textures: Sirius-sdz
eye: as photographed by Egor Kamelev
model: shiskaBabe
textures: Sirius-sdz and
ambience: lostAndTaken
model: lisajen-stock
left eye and mouth: silviet-stock
right "eye": dimitry_c
background: falln-stock
ambience and textures: lostAndTaken
model: Hello Tuesday
background elements: charlie vegas
textures: AnyaSamhain
anatomy textures: falln-stock
doll head: wild-stock

"Wear You Eternal"
model: Model: Valerie Mrosek
textures: DarkZeroresurgereElina ArajaCathrine Langwagen and Barbara Moustafa
"Black Lullaby"
model: Subject: Sabrina Lidia (as photographed in the early 20th century, printed on a specific type of paper that was used from 1904 to 1918).
Antique RPPC (real photo post card) provided by Yesterdays Paper
textures: s-t-a-r gazer, all you need and quaddles
"Corpus Christi"

model: Aimee FitzGerald
ornate halo: stuff-stock and lilystox
nails: TooMuchFilth stock
background: DarkZero

"disfigurine II" 
model: Brit Horne (as photographed by Cathleen Tarawhiti
textures: madamBesson and falln-stock
border textures: Ash Sivils

model (body): as photograhed by Oleg Magni
model (head): Jaded Ink
textures: DarkZero
ambience: laflaneuse
"Dark Winds Through Blackened Sails"
foreground model: Nanfe-S
background model: Yarrow (as photographed by Marcus Ranum)
textures: skeelar-stockroxStockkuschelirmel-stock and the infamous Ash Sivils
"Ascending Darkly"
model: Mervilina
textures: Ash Sivils and
"Dead Whispers"
model: Mira Nox
textures: Ash Sivils and DarkZero
lettering/symbols: my own
"Vacancy's Lost Embrace"
A collaboration with the lovely Andrea Hyde, a long time friend who provided the words in her own handwriting that compliments this imagery.
model: Mahafsoun
textures: Mistressjera-stock
background: joycex
"Suffering the Tragedy"
model: p.i.n.k.z (as photographed by Vince Voltage)
wings: Anthony
ambient textures: laflaneuse
model: ITA (as photographed by Vince Voltage)
headpiece: Melissa Vian
ambient textures: Sirius-sdz

"The Disconsolation of Infinite Nothing"

model: s-t-a-r-gazer
picture frame on the wall: moon-willowstock
skull and blood splatters:
border: struckdumb
this image was created as a tribute to a friend and fellow dark artist who no longer walks with us. he was, and still is an incredible inspiration to me. i miss our conversations about music, movies and gaming online with you. rest easy, Bryce.  if anyone would like to view Bryce's incredible work, just click here

model: kstuff-stock
background machinery: chop-stock
facial parts: fracturedFairy and berlinElliott
stitches: Valerie Mrosek
ambient textures: buzillo-stock and battle-stock
"Pallor Nocturnes"
-[you and I in one heart]-

model: Ayleene de Monn
the spanish heart: Shudder Stock
border: HauntingVisions
ambient grunge: CaStock
textures: Ash Sivils

 - more credits being added soon -
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